Happy Father Day

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang"
At night when the stars
Light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon.
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
The other side
Talking to me too.
Or Am I a fool
Who sits alone
Talking to the moon?

i feel that because... fifteen years ago,
where my father
every day I look for and ask
until one time I was so frustrated and hate him.

I see some friends father and mother
just wherever I see them happy
I am happy, but I do not have a father
I asked the mother, the mother remained silent
instead as a father is my grandmother
Where are my only, only them.

I never cry
because I want to love him
because I want to play with him
because I want him to take me sight
because I want to eat with him
and because I want him to snooze I
but I could not get all of it.

when I was big
I know everything
I accept this fate because God
I underwent my days with happiness and happy

but a time
Allah replaced my sorrow behind the first
to give me a father
which is very unusual.
and what can I say
he is the best dad in the world hereafter.

thanks to Allah
He is all-knowing what is best for us
only he knows.

now I am happy because my family complete
full of love and happiness,
Alhamdulillah ...


Nabel said...

Salam, tumpang iklan :)

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Mudah sahaja, tidak ada modal perlu dikeluarkn, free seumur hidup :)
Pendaftaran pun percuma :)

Ia adalah program affliate :) Saya tak jual apa2 pun.. tpi dapat komisen..
kalau berminat boleh sertai disini -> http://bit.ly/16p2L0u

Nabel said...

Salam, tumpang iklan :)

Special untuk para blogger yang ingin buat duit sampingan..
Bukan forex, bukan MLM, bukan multilevel dan sbgainya..

Cuma perlu Refer org untuk join jomniaga ni -> http://bit.ly/16p2L0u

Mudah sahaja, tidak ada modal perlu dikeluarkn, free seumur hidup :)
Pendaftaran pun percuma :)

Ia adalah program affliate :) Saya tak jual apa2 pun.. tpi dapat komisen..
kalau berminat boleh sertai disini -> http://bit.ly/16p2L0u